Introduction to Creative Thinking for Innovation

This "Creative Thinking for Innovation" e-learning module, taught by worksmart founder Van Lai-DuMone, focuses on harnessing the power of divergent and convergent thinking to spark innovation and creativity. Through interactive lessons, learners will be introduced to creative thinking concepts, how to apply them in their leadership style, and how to use them to generate new ideas, solve problems and lead teams to success. It's a unique opportunity to improve your creative thinking abilities and make a difference in your work and personal life.
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Why this course?

What's included

  • Micro-learning format
  • Spark innovation and inventive creativity
  • Solve problems more effectively
  • Improve creative thinking abilities in both personal and professional life
  • Think outside the box and generate fresh perspectives

Learn What's Important

"Creative Thinking for Innovation" teaches key concepts of divergent and convergent thinking, their application in leading teams in problem-solving and team success, essential for improving idea sharing and innovation.

Learn by Example

The "Creative Thinking Leadership" course uses real-life examples, reflection and hands-on exercises to teach the concepts in a practical way, making it easy to apply in real-world scenarios. The interactive and engaging approach ensures learners will be able to effectively apply their new skills.
Meet the instructor

Van Lai-DuMone

Van Lai-DuMone, Creative Leadership Strategist and founder of worksmart, teaches creative problem solving and leadership using collaboration, play-based methods, including LEGO® Serious Play®. She is the creator of "Creative Thinking for Innovation", an e-learning course, that teaches key concepts of divergent and convergent thinking to improve creative thinking abilities and leadership development.
Patrick Jones - Course author